Thursday, September 07, 2006
Look everybody, I am back, ur still ashole and I am still grate.
I have been a bit deprest latly from when I hear the news that Sony gave Dell bad battery, which expolde and kill 726,000 people in my home town in Salem.
Then I spoketo freind who said "i work for CIA and KGV, even MI50, and i tell u thst sony were not reponsibel for this thing".
I said, "but it in paper..."
he say me "paper written by captalist pigs in america who work for dell and they lie and say it sony who sell them thing and people beleive it becoz they beleive every damn thing they read"
at that point i got exited becoz he say damn, which is bad langauge wqhere Im from.
so I say him "so really ur saying Sony IS best?"
he say nothing, but i know he thinking sony is best.
So - does any1 out there think that dell are liarS?