Thursday, September 07, 2006
Look everybody, I am back, ur still ashole and I am still grate.
I have been a bit deprest latly from when I hear the news that Sony gave Dell bad battery, which expolde and kill 726,000 people in my home town in Salem.
Then I spoketo freind who said "i work for CIA and KGV, even MI50, and i tell u thst sony were not reponsibel for this thing".
I said, "but it in paper..."
he say me "paper written by captalist pigs in america who work for dell and they lie and say it sony who sell them thing and people beleive it becoz they beleive every damn thing they read"
at that point i got exited becoz he say damn, which is bad langauge wqhere Im from.
so I say him "so really ur saying Sony IS best?"
he say nothing, but i know he thinking sony is best.
So - does any1 out there think that dell are liarS?
Hi Kumai,
I thank you a thousand million times for the mentioining of my name on your wonderful most bestest blogspot on the world.
My mother will also be most pleased with this when I show it to her.Of course it will only be proper when I show it to her on the most wonderful Sony Vaio Laptop witht the not-exploding battery. I would not give her the Dell exploding battery or the Apple melting battery, or the HP we will not admit to anything unless you can prove it and even then we need to have the recordings of phone conversations dating back to 1983 batteries.
I am in the tinking that now in the festival of Diwali when it is time to give gifts of Gold and to make jiihad on infidels, we should recognise that we are only little people really. we must realise that it is our place to give to Sony, and that through Sony we will be saved from the real horrors of life. It is only Sonywho make the Playstation 3....or they will. Sometime. Soon. I promise. It is coming so just bugger off and leave me alone..It is only sony who provide us with superior sound recording equipment liek the minidisc player. Yes, the MINIDISK player. Looke like a cross between a Floppy disk and a CD....Oh for God sake!
Well, remember the walkman. If it were not for Sony we would still be carrying juke boxes around the place with speakers on either side of our shoulders ..... For it was they who invented the means to carry your music to work, to the gym, to your grandmothers birthday when she once agin goes to kiss you on the lips and forgets to take her teeth out and they slip out of her mouth into your face....urgh...turn up the volume...there's a wave of mutilation for you.
OK, so they missed out on the whole mP3 concept while they were busy trying to kill off minidiscs but they have reinvented the book now. Yes, now you can chose to spend your sponds on a classic piece of literaure AND ensure that the author and the publisher are both protected from your accidentally loaning this book to a friend to read thereby denying Stephen King Jnr the right to his complete college fund.
Sony protects you. In Dell's case, Sony Warms you. In Kumars case, sony excites him (although that might be a bit extreme)
ps. you are very handsome with your big lips and well combed hair.
you are not gready like those pakistanis.
they are all thieves and rapists, but you are not.
HAIL sony
ps. you are very handsome with your big lips and well combed hair.
you are not greasy like those pakistanis.
they are all thieves and rapists, but you are not.
HAIL sony
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